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Comparison of District Heating Systems Used in China and Denmark

Received: 23 December 2014     Accepted: 27 December 2014     Published: 11 May 2015
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China has one of the largest district heating (DH) markets in the world with total district heat sales in 2011 amounting to 2,810,220 TJ. Nevertheless, it still has great potential for further expanding its DH supply, due to rapid urbanization and the demand to improve the quality of life. However, the current DH system in China is in great need of system improvements, technology renovation, and optimization of operations and management. As one of the world’s leading countries in terms of DH supply, Denmark has state-of-the-art DH technologies and rich experience in the design and operation of DH systems. Experiences learned from the Danish DH system are useful for improving the current Chinese DH system. This article provides an overview of the technological differences between the two countries, focusing on: a) heat generation, b) the DH distribution network, c) DH network control, and d) the end consumer. The paper looks at the obvious differences between these two countries in terms of DH supply and concludes that there is significant, achievable potential for improvement regarding both energy efficiency and user comfort in the Chinese DH system, through technological advancement and implementing the operational know-how of more modern DH systems.

Published in International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy (Volume 4, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijrse.20150403.15
Page(s) 102-116
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2015. Published by Science Publishing Group


District Heating, Energy Efficiency, Technical Measure, China, Denmark

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  • APA Style

    Lipeng Zhang, Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Hongwei Li, Svend Svendsen. (2015). Comparison of District Heating Systems Used in China and Denmark. International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy, 4(3), 102-116. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijrse.20150403.15

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    ACS Style

    Lipeng Zhang; Oddgeir Gudmundsson; Hongwei Li; Svend Svendsen. Comparison of District Heating Systems Used in China and Denmark. Int. J. Sustain. Green Energy 2015, 4(3), 102-116. doi: 10.11648/j.ijrse.20150403.15

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    AMA Style

    Lipeng Zhang, Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Hongwei Li, Svend Svendsen. Comparison of District Heating Systems Used in China and Denmark. Int J Sustain Green Energy. 2015;4(3):102-116. doi: 10.11648/j.ijrse.20150403.15

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Comparison of District Heating Systems Used in China and Denmark
    AU  - Lipeng Zhang
    AU  - Oddgeir Gudmundsson
    AU  - Hongwei Li
    AU  - Svend Svendsen
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    AB  - China has one of the largest district heating (DH) markets in the world with total district heat sales in 2011 amounting to 2,810,220 TJ. Nevertheless, it still has great potential for further expanding its DH supply, due to rapid urbanization and the demand to improve the quality of life. However, the current DH system in China is in great need of system improvements, technology renovation, and optimization of operations and management. As one of the world’s leading countries in terms of DH supply, Denmark has state-of-the-art DH technologies and rich experience in the design and operation of DH systems. Experiences learned from the Danish DH system are useful for improving the current Chinese DH system. This article provides an overview of the technological differences between the two countries, focusing on: a) heat generation, b) the DH distribution network, c) DH network control, and d) the end consumer. The paper looks at the obvious differences between these two countries in terms of DH supply and concludes that there is significant, achievable potential for improvement regarding both energy efficiency and user comfort in the Chinese DH system, through technological advancement and implementing the operational know-how of more modern DH systems.
    VL  - 4
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Author Information
  • Civil Engineering Department, Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelunds Vej Building 118, Kgs.Lyngby, Denmark

  • Danfoss A/S, District Energy Division, Application Center, Nordborgvej 81, Nordbrg, Denmark

  • Civil Engineering Department, Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelunds Vej Building 118, Kgs.Lyngby, Denmark

  • Civil Engineering Department, Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelunds Vej Building 118, Kgs.Lyngby, Denmark

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